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Contribute to page

37 bytes added, 14:24, 26 April 2019
no edit summary
<h1>Lets contribute to a page</h1>
<h2>Step 1: Locate the page</h2>
First of all, we need to locate the page we want to contribute to through searching for it. Load the page up by clicking it from the search results.
<h2>Step 2: Editing the page</h2>
In the address bar, type the page URL "" followed by add the text "#/editor/0" to the end of the page URL to go into edit mode. Once you are here, you need to find an a free author slot which starts and ends like the following "########## AUTHOR 3 2 START ##########" to "########## AUTHOR 3 2 END ##########, for e.g. you would use this slot if there are is already two authors1 author who initially made the page.
If there is no slot, copy the two complete lines "########## AUTHOR + START ##########" ########## AUTHOR + END ########## including with the "< ! -- "" -->" code around them above the "+" copied slots and replace the "+'s" in them with your new author number, e.g. 5.
<h2>Step 3: Copy the code</h2>
Copy the following code between your slot, which you may continue editing it over time. (remember to copy/save any code before submitting to avoid data losslocally)